Find shit.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

art show at Tapps!

Nobody looks at my blog. But I have an art show at Tapp's and the opening is during the ribbon cutting at 1pm on Wednesday and at first Thursday at 5pm. My work will be up all month.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

what the fuck was I doing last year?

These are sketches from Fall 2010. I was still in school, but clearly not drawing for school. Except the water color of 5 points. Oh, and I didn't draw the 'It's okay guy', that was my boo, Fabio. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

St. Pattys

Posting this a little late...but here are some photos from my first Columbia (and hopefully only) St. Pattys exploration. Babies, paramedics, and drunk people, and my fancy rose with melon jello shots.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

excerpts from 2009/when I met Fabio sketchbook.

flower masturbation.

check out this fabulous illustrators work at I got this particular picture on the Vice Magazine website, from an article about how "Rubbing out is [also] pretty much the only part of female sexuality that has the gently-opening-flower aesthetic we’ve been told to expect and maintain since we were in the Cabbage Patch."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

one of (if not my) favorite paintings. and that is all I have to say.

Friday, August 12, 2011

lovely links!
via vice magazine "When Pandemonia turns up at art openings and fashion shows it’s like Roy Lichtenstein’s blonde caricatures have been brought to life as a seven foot Jeff Koons inflatable. But she's not just another attention-seeking tranny with an inflatable dog.

Read the rest at Vice Magazine: Vice Magazine 

Friday, July 22, 2011

fearless freaks.

I wanna be a fearless freak. Like Wayne Coyne from the flaming lips. I saw this awesome documentary that just showed what an amazing artist this guy is. Wayne was never a trained musician. In fact I wouldn't consider him one. He just has an amazing work ethic and awesome ideas, and I really think that anyone that considers themselves an artist should watch this movie and see what I'm talking about. It was incredibly inspiring. Plus Wayne is gorgeous. But I mean Wayne was like any one of us, making art constantly, working a long john silvers for like 13 years just trying to have money for cigarettes and coffee to keep himself awake to make more art. Basically, it comes back to if I don't try I won't succeed, and I'm not even sure if it is about that. It is just about making art, cause that is just what some people should do. I wanna be a fearless freak. So I am one now. HA! I'm a fearless freak. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

do I like the gold?

Of course I like the gold. Gold is retro, gold is gaudy, gold is antique...I really want a sold gold septum ring. 

I am an emotional creature!

Please, please, please watch the following video. This woman, Eve Ensler, is certainly on the same page as myself when it comes to viewing women. I have never thought of myself as lesser; I'm fascinated with the 'magical' balance men and women can have together. I'd go so far as to say that all of my art work/craft work whatever-you-call-it is all about being a woman. Being an emotional creature is all I think about sometimes, that is when I'm not being emotional. I've never herard ANYBODY say that we should be proud to be vulnerable and emotional. I feel conflicted so often because I train myself to think rationally when I don't want to (not that it works). If more people had the perspective of this woman I really do think the world would be a better place. This woman needs to come down to the unitarian congregation with me. She would be fabulous. 
I hope that more people discover her teachings. I hate that even in this day and age IN AMERICA girls my age still think they are being oppressed or something and that they have to burn their bras. Women can be whomever they wish to be. Women should embrace being themselves, and being women. Denying that you like to wear a bra is ridiculous. If you don't like one, then don't wear one, no one cares.
I'm totally ranting here, (but I'm an emotional creature) but I feel really moved by what this woman said. It's like all the fights I've had about proving women as equal, I couldn't think of all the wonderful ways she worded herself. I would really love to meet her. *swoon*


Welcome!: "This is my new page."

Friday, July 8, 2011

Plate decoration time! Kudos to my sister Luba for telling me to paint ceramics. On my birthday I went to Charlotte, NC and fell in love with the kitchen ware in anthroplogie and really wanted to buy all of their illustrated plates. But then my sister was like, why don't you make your own? The only thing is, I wouldn't eat off of these plates, because I didn't fire them myself. But they sure are purdy. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Again, I'm glad I studied art history, cause this shit is hilarious. Created by self-proclaimed non-illustrater 'limpfish'. I discovered this hilarious image when I was attempting to become even more cool via the internet. I have discovered a new tool-- So if you are one of like the 2 people who read this crap, is super cool if you are trying to be super cool on the internet. But anyways, this guy 'limpfish' has a website but I like this image the best by far. I wouldn't even really recommend going to the website, cause it's pretty nerdy. But if you are a nerdy guy! who happens to be looking at my blog...check it out. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

(the main song of Indiana Jones plays in your head, do you hear it? do you dig it?) ta-da! I believe I am pretty much done designing my blog. I even figured out how to make links, which is pretty awesome for me because I DESPISE being on the computer and trying to figure out new things to do with it. I've felt like an old lady who was never brought up with digital technology. I'm just an artist for crying out loud! I didn't ask for everyone to like all this technological crap either! But oh well, I'm not really bitching, because now that I semi-know what I'm doing, it's kind of fun to screw around on this blog-thing-a-ma-jigger. And in case you are one of my 2 very favorite followers, and you are reading this, soon I will post my new sketches.  

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I can't paint. I always feel like I have a million ideas, I write them down all of the time. Yesterday I made salsa with strawberries, which was awesome. And I have made a crochet circle rug out of scrap fabric. My desire to make things is obviously still here, I just don't want to do anything that isn't crafty. Crafty is good, but there is a huge difference between art and craft. I want to just make a painting I am proud of, but instead I just keep snuggling my dogs and cleaning and crafting. These things make me happy, but not inspired. I'll provide pictures of my recent crafting creations soon (I need to snag my bf's camera from him). 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My favorite art.

I would like to start posting art work that I'm interested in, because now that I'm thinking of trying to get published as an art critic, I think that it is important to document these things. 

numero uno.
A documentary was recently made by Banksy called Exit through the Gift Shop and it tells the story of this crazy french-man who documented the street art scene for Banksy and many other artists (like Space Invader, Obey). He convinced all of these artists that he was making a documentary, but in reality he just had an obsession with filming everything in his life, and became obsessed with documenting their work. When he finally made a movie and it sucked, Banksy told him he should become an artist himself, and he became a millionaire overnight. His work is pop art made of pop art. It really means nothing. But it sells for extremely high prices and for me (even though he is seemingly crazy and this was unintentional) represents art in itself. He somehow figured out how to trick the entire art world into thinking he was some sort of genius, but the reality is he knew the right people, and he knew how to present on a large scale to force the viewing public into thinking he was something he was not. In other words, he is awesome. He proved how you don't have to be anything to become famous and rich, you just have to pretend.  

The Last Few Days.

The last few days list. 
  • I put my two weeks in at my j-o-b. 
  • I stormed out from dinner with boyfriend's family (can't talk to them again)
  • I got a new job! 
  • I graduated.
  • I found out I could possibly get an essay I wrote published in an art magazine (maybe art in America) 
  • I've become incredibly close with my boyfriend's brother. 
  • My puppy is sick and hasn't eaten in 24+ hours. 
  • I've gotten sick twice in the last two weeks.
  • I got fired before my two weeks because I came down with a cold and couldn't work.  
  • My boyfriend was awarded with a free office, and I get to decorate/design it!
 I'm not sure of whether or not to be happy about all the things that have happened. I thought that change would be eminent with graduation, but I didn't think it would all happen so incredibly fast. Now I just have to wait and see how my decisions continue to change everything. 

Good things of today. 
  • sleeping in.
  • drinking water when you're thirsty.
  • realizing that I really do not have to ever go in Earth Fare again.
  • pomegranate yogurt.
  • coffee.
  • not wearing any underwear. 
  • warm weather/summer.

About Me

My photo
My favorite holidays are groundhog day and valentines day. I like that they are close together and that one is silly and one is romantic. Romantic/beautiful things and silly things are my favorite kinds of things along with all things American, particularly things of the south and of appalachia. I live with my best friend/love of my life along with my two beautiful doggies in the famously hot south. My favorite food is a bean burrito with rice, lettuce, tomato, sour cream, pico, verde, guac, and hot sauce. I love to make art about the simple, cute, funny things in life, because I think they are the most important in being happy (and being happy is most important I think).